Below is a copy of an email from Ohio EPA giving us guidance and useful information on crushing used oil filters.
From: Jeff Mayhugh, Supervisor
Hazardous Waste Compliance and Inspection Assistance
Division of Materials and Waste Management
As I promised here are some links to guidance and information that should help you in determining the applicable used oil management standards for crushing used oil filters at marinas.
If the marina owner/operator crushes used oil filters that they generate while performing maintenance services for boat owners, they would be subject to the used oil generator requirements.
Metal from either of these scenarios that is sent for recycling is not regulated as hazardous waste. Any used oil generated from either scenarios must be managed as used oil in accordance with the applicable requirements in the following chapter of the Ohio Administrative Code
You might also be interested in the information at the following link:
Per Mr. Jeff Mayhugh, the scrap metal dealer will be the one who determines the point at which a crushed oil filter can be considered scrap steel. There should be no free oil draining from the filter.
States are banning used oil filters from landfills, for example Wisconsin effective January 1, 2011 has done so.
Labels: Bay Village, BSA, co-ed, high school youth, Interlux Waterfront Challenge, oil filter crusher, sailing, scouts, Sea Scouts